Friday, September 26, 2008

Meeting Filipino Business

In the first month of my consultancy internship I have learnt a lot. Like A LOT. Not to be student any more, understand world of business which is fast, full of quick decisions, learning new things from all the industries every day...not easy even in your own country. And added to all the new information you are challenged by culture, different type of communication, english...

Here are my biggest Filipino Business AHA moments:
  • If they say may be it is just absence of ability to say NO
  • White face realy opens your doors, but you have to risk that not all the talks will be about business (get use to it)
  • Everybody knows everybody (advantage vs. be aware)

...that is why networking events are so important. The picture is from our partner anniversary celebration. We managed to talk to some people and even win some valuable prices for Headway! Many exhibitions and informal events are in front of have to be present in order to be updated what is happening in the industry, what are the excuse me for now, I am going to prepare for next "getting to know my potential business partners". Will be back with some progress news later :).


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